Wednesday 24 November 2010


I decided to construct a film questionnaire to find out what people want and expect to see in a film. I have asked about certain elements to help me decide what to use and what not to use for example flash backs, twists and turns or special effects. I asked an equal amount of males and females as i didn't want to aim at only females. I asked mostly 15-19 year olds as that is what i want the main age of my audience to be.

I found that i got very similar amounts of answers for all my questions, it came back very equal. I had almost equal results for the question 'do you tend to watch Romantic Dramas / Thrillers?' which tells me that this genre is not entirely popular or a favourite of all people although almost every female i asked answered yes. As it is my favourite type of film i still chose to use this genre. I found that people definately prefer twist and turns in a love story rather than a typical romance, flashbacks and special effects came back pretty much equal although i have decided to use flashbacks as it will be a way for me to explain exactly why my character comes to the decision she does. More people said they expect music in the opening sequence than not so i did think about using music but instead i have chosen to use a voice over to add effect and to show exactly how my character is feeling. As my last question states most people said they like to see action right from the beginning which is why i chose to go straight into the location of the jump and get right in there with the action.

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